Hex triplet: #FFFFFF
RGB(r, g, b): (255, 255, 255)
HSV(h, s, v): (-°, 0%, 100%)
Color: White
Entries per blog: 2
Deadline: October 31, 2009
- Write a post on your blog with a picture of your white flower and link to this announcement in your post.
- Your white flower must be identified using its botanical name or common name. Either will do. Both is terrific! If you need help identifying your flowers, upload a picture to your Flickr account and send it to the group ID Please asking for help.
- Paint, sketch, doodle, photograph. The choice is yours.
- Please include the Flower Fest logo in your post. You can download it by clicking here. (We also have a .gif with a transparent background, if you would prefer to use that. This does not render well on dark backgrounds.)
- Then, drop us an email at flowerfestival [at] gmail [dot] com with the following information:
- Your name / nickname / blogger handle
- A permanent link to your post with a picture of the flower
- Do this before October 31, 2009.
- A round-up will be posted within a couple of days after the deadline.
- Not a blogger? No worries. Send an email with your picture to flowerfestival[at]gmail[dot]com. Don't forget to include the name of your flower, botanical or common, and we'll include it in the round-up.